Dedicated to allergy research in complementary and alternative/holistic medicine
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Board Members
Dr. Devi Resume
Board Members
Nambudripad, Devi S., DC., L.Ac., MD., Ph.D.
Nambudripad, K. BSEE, M,Ac., L.Ac.
President & Exe. Director
Nambudripad, Devi S., DC., L.Ac., MD., Ph.D.
Vice President
Nambudripad, K. BSEE, M,Ac., L.Ac.
Nambudripad, Roy, MD
Board of Directors
Nambudripad, K., BSEE, M.Ac.,L.Ac
Nambudripad, Rajsree, MD
Nambudripad, Roy, MD
Director for Research
Nambudripad, Roy, MD
Clinical Director for Research
Nambudripad, Rajsree, MD
Liezl, Apante, BSN
Project Managers
Apante, Leizl, BSN
Bowman, Helen, ND
Kigawa, Chi, DC
Saito, Yumie RN, BcSc
Public Relations
Apante, Liezel, BSN
Christian, Keith, OMD
Nambudripad, Roy, MD
Noviello, Monica, MD
Directors for Fund-Raising
Apante, Liezel, BSN
Balaban, Mor, L.Ac.
Educational Committee
Nambudripad, Devi, MD, DC, L.Ac., Ph.D.
Nambudripad, Rajsree, MD
Nambudripad, Roy, MD
Editorial Board
Nambudripad, Devi MD, DC, L.Ac., Ph.D.
Nambudripad, Roy, MD
Human Resources
Noviello, Monica, MD
Sato, Rumiko, L.Ac.
Technical Support
Baker, Tim
Research Committee
Apante, Liezl, BSN
Balaban, Mor, L.Ac., DACM
Bowman, Helen, ND
Brucks, Will, L.Ac.
Burdo Hutchison, Lucy, L.Ac.
Chapman-Dunn, Lanalle, Naturopathic Physician
Chiong, Chu-Lan, LA.C.
Christian, Keith, OMD
Elliott, Marilyn, DC
Erdogan, Levent, DC
Im, Phillip, DC
Kennedy, Kevyn, ND
Lindsey, Ronald Guy, L.Ac.
McMurry Dunn, Amanda, L.Ac., MAOM
Nambudripad, Devi S. MD, DC, L.Ac.
Nambudripad, Kris, K., L.Ac., MS
Nambudripad, Roy, MD, FCAP
Patel, Bhavna V., B.S., Med. Tech. H.H.S., Dip. Nutrition
Polevoy, Lisa, DC
Prince, Robert, MD
Rafaelov, Ruben, Pharm.D.
Rotondi, Nicole, Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
Rupp, Catherine, MD
Saito, Yumie, RN
Sato, Rumiko, L.Ac.
Tavily, Farangis, L.Ac.
Teitelbaum, Jacob, MD
Advisory Board
Adriaenssens, Angeline, Polarity Therapist
Bason, Gal, ND
Chapelle, Marlene, R.Ac.
Chouniard, Michael, ND
Christian, Melissa, LMT
Edinger, Maria, ND
Gimeno, Tono, L.Ac.
Hintermair, Beatrix, Kinnesiologist
Lim, Lynn, ND, MSAOM
Masuda, Hiroshi, DC
Nicolino, Davide, Psy.D.
Sato, Rumiko, L.Ac.
Soissons, Frank, Médecine chinoise
Wienert, Joerg, Heilpraktiker/Kinesiologe
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